Nausea Symptoms

Nausea symptoms usually involves the stomach. Nausea causes can be varied in each individual. The nausea most common is a stomach ache. Nausea symptoms will usually be found as a stomach problem. Nausea symptoms are a sensation of unease that may be accompanied with...


A colonic is a method of washing out the large bowel with water. Also known as colonic irrigation or colon hydrotherapy, it is somewhat like a high powered enema. This colonic therapy is used for a purported colonic dysbacteriosis…or a bacterial imbalance or in...

Mouth Ulcers

Mouth ulcers are sores or lesions in the mouth that are very common. Mouth ulcers and tongue ulcers are caused by a variety of reasons. If mouth ulcers last longer than 2 weeks, seek medical attention. Ulcers on the tongue are white ulcers that are caused by hot...

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