Are you looking for your inner Priestess? Better be careful if you are. The Priestess Process is New Age group psychotherapy usually “facilitated” by a psychotherapist or a person simply trained in this trademarked protocol. In the Priestess Process, through workshops and exercises (not physical exercises) a person’s subconscious is deftly opened for the implantation of words, phrases, thoughts and ideas usually centered around improving self esteem and self worth. The techniques used are classic mind control/brainwashing exercises. Used by women on a journey trying to find their value, the Priestess Process may improve self worth and esteem…through false affirmations and repetition of platitudes…but, unfortunately for the participant it also creates a subconscious mind that unknowingly affects conscious normal relationships with other people who have not had the need to undergo a similar experience.
Priestess Process may seem at first glance to be a logical idea for many who are searching for answers in their life. Reaching a point in an unsatisfactory, unfulfilled or chaotic life, mostly middle age women use the Priestess Process, an unconventional New Age group psychotherapy, as the answer to finding their value and reason for being.
Priestess Process, also known as the Shamanic Priestess Process is a clever way for the facilitator to make the participant believe they are getting value for the money spent. By using time proven mind control/brainwashing techniques, the facilitator in the Priestess Process implants affirmations that the participant is fabulous, caring, worthy, intelligent and infallible. So far so good…for the participant.
But, false affirmations, lacking foundation, will always allow some of the same problems the participant is trying to conquer in her life to surface even though the participant does not believe they are doing so. How could they…after all, she is fabulous.
In this particular form of New Age group psychotherapy, the participants are made to believe they are embarking on an enlightened path, the road less traveled of adding additional self worth because they are mastering the mysteries of the universe, life, energy, even past lives. They are finding their Divine Feminine, the ancient roles of the Priestess, learning ancient wisdom, rites of passage, Moon mysteries of women, higher selves, wisdom carried by our souls and of course, Native American Shamanic wisdom/culture.
Unfortunately, in the Priestess Process, the facilitator also implants the concept that the participants are better than others (more enlightened) and they need to take the next class in their search for further enlightenment. Talk about repeat business!
Priestess Process New Age Philosophy
Priestess Process New Age philosophy is also a religious movement by definition as they eschew traditional God for the concepts of god, goddesses, spirit guides and masters charting our every moment and every life.
But what is the history of mind control/brainwashing techniques? The term was first used in the 1950’s to understand techniques used in the Korean War, though use of these techniques had been around for centuries.
Subsequently refined by many…others using these techniques include Scientology, Rev. Sung Yung Moon and his “moonies”, Jim Jones and his Kool-Aid drinkers, many religions, the US Marines in order to shape fearless killers, Alcoholics Anonymous and most prominently for the masses, Werner Erhard in 1971 in creating EST (Erhard Seminars Training). EST is mass group psychotherapy “to transform one’s ability to experience living so that the situations one had been trying to change or had been putting up with, clear up just in the process of life itself.”
Unapparent to the participants, implantation of the concept of the need to take the next class was also part of the deal. For a fee, of course.
EST morphed into “The Forum” in 1984 and “Landmark Education” in 1991. This concept once again morphed into “Life Success Seminars”.
Needless to say, some mind control/brainwashing can be used with good intent and some with nefarious intent. Common thread in all of them is money.
So, what are the mind control techniques used in the Priestess Process? Below is a list, commonly mentioned by experts in mind control and brainwashing. Only some of the techniques need to be used to accomplish the goals. It can be found here online:
1) HYPNOSIS – Inducing a high state of suggestibility, often thinly disguised as relaxation or meditation.
a. Repetitive Music (most likely with a beat close to the human heart 45 to 72 beats per minute). Most likely used during “study sessions” as the teacher will say the music helps you relax and concentrate better!
b. Voice Roll — A “voice roll” is a patterned, paced style used by hypnotists when inducing a trance.
c. Room “Feel” – The way a room feels is essential to hypnotizing unknowing subjects. It needs special lighting, florescent lights are best because they aren’t too dim, but aren’t too harsh. Also, Room Temp helps a bit, usually a little cooler than normal room temperature. You need to have the unknowing subjects very relaxed, perhaps even close to falling asleep.
2) PEER GROUP PRESSURE – Suppressing doubt and resistance to new ideas by exploiting the need to belong.
3) “LOVE BOMBING” – Creating a sense of family through physical touch, thought & feeling sharing and emotional bonding.
4) REJECTION OF OLD VALUES – Accelerating acceptance of new lifestyle by constantly denouncing former beliefs and values.
5) CONFUSING DOCTRINE – Encouraging blind acceptance and rejection of logic through complex lectures on an incomprehensible doctrine.
6) META-COMMUNICATION – Implanting subliminal messages by stressing certain key words or phrases in long, confusing lectures.
7) REMOVAL OF PRIVACY – Achieving loss of ability to evaluate logically by preventing private contemplation.
8) DIS-INHIBITION – Encouraging child-like obedience by orchestrating child-like behavior.
9) UNCOMPROMISING RULES – Inducing regression and disorientation by soliciting agreement to seemingly simple rules which regulate mealtimes, bathroom breaks and use of medications.
10) VERBAL ABUSE – Desensitizing through bombardment with foul and abusive language. (Physical abuse, such as torture, is the more extreme form of this.)
11) SLEEP DEPRIVATION AND FATIGUE – Creating disorientation and vulnerability by prolonging mental an physical activity and withholding adequate rest and sleep.
12) DRESS CODES – Removing individuality by demanding conformity to the group dress code.
13) CHANTING OR SINGING – Eliminating non-cult ideas through group repetition of mind-narrowing chants or phrases.
14) CONFESSION – Encouraging the destruction of individual ego through confession of personal weaknesses and innermost feelings of doubt.
15) FINANCIAL COMMITMENT – Achieving increased dependence on the group by ‘burning bridges’ to the past, through the donation of assets.
16) FINGER POINTING – Creating a false sense of righteousness by pointing to the shortcomings of the outside world.
17) ISOLATION – Inducing loss of reality by physical separation from family, friends, society and rational references.
18) CONTROLLED APPROVAL – Maintaining vulnerability and confusion by alternately rewarding and punishing similar actions.
19) CHANGE OF DIET – Creating disorientation and increased susceptibility to emotional arousal by depriving the nervous system of necessary nutrients through the use of special diets and/or fasting. Also applying drugs for these purposes fall in this category.
20) GAMES – Inducing dependence on the group by introducing games with obscure rules.
21) NO QUESTIONS – Accomplishing automatic acceptance of beliefs by discouraging questions.
22) GUILT – Reinforcing the need for ‘salvation’ by exaggerating the sins of the former lifestyles.
23) FEAR – Maintaining loyalty and obedience to the group by threatening soul, life or limb for the slightest ‘negative’ thought, word or deed.
Three Principles of Re-Education
1) REPETITION – Going through the same subject over and over again until it is known by heart.
2) ACTIVITY PEDAGOGICS – The subjects are never left alone nor give any private time of their own, they are always in activity.
3) CRITICISM AND SELF-CRITICISM – The subjects are supposed to feel uncertain; under the constant threat of being humiliated and despised.
Below is the text from a website offering to facilitate Priestess Process workshops or “circles” as they are also called. Note the language used and within their own words are placed text in blue from the above mind control/brainwashing document to illustrate some of the veiled techniques used.
Weekend 1
Special Introductory Weekend
The Sacred Circle as Self and The New Priestess
This weekend is designed to allow women to experience the Priestess Process™ before commitment to the nine month journey. We explore the ancient future roles of the Priestess as Guardian of the Universal Mysteries and encourage this archetype to guide our process. We connect with the Divine Feminine within ourselves and the circle of women, recognizing the spark each woman carries. 2) PEER GROUP PRESSURE – Suppressing doubt and resistance to new ideas by exploiting the need to belong. Through music, movement, journaling, and sharing we dive deeply into personal truths and prepare for the birth of our Priestess Self. This weekend includes:
- An orientation to the overall process and explanation of what it means to be a Priestess in these times, merging Ancient Wisdom with current consciousness.
- An introduction to the Sacred Directions and the Elements of Earth, Fire, Water, and Air.
- A Rites of Passage Ceremony exploring Moon Mysteries of Women.
Weekend 2
Journey into the South
The Physical Realm, the Child and the Element of Earth
We retrieve the wisdom our souls carry through a guided meditation (1) HYPNOSIS – Inducing a high state of suggestibility, often thinly disguised as relaxation or meditation. and become acquainted with the Priestess knowledge of past, present, and future. We examine the paths of our many lifetimes, entering into an altered state through meditation to honor and celebrate our journey. Each woman will participate in a sacred foot washing ceremony, (3) “LOVE BOMBING” – Creating a sense of family through physical touch, thought & feeling sharing and emotional bonding. gently blessing the path each woman has taken to bring her fully into the present.
We will hand-craft intention statements written by our Higher Selves, discovering the vision that will carry us through our deeply transforming work.
We acknowledge and dance with the Shadow of Self and how it affects relationships between women. Embracing the Shadow between women, we create relationships of Truth that provide unconditional support for the circle. (3) “LOVE BOMBING” – Creating a sense of family through physical touch, thought & feeling sharing and emotional bonding. Bringing the Shadow into Light, we discover how to work with that which we fear most. We name and face our fears (14) CONFESSION – Encouraging the destruction of individual ego through confession of personal weaknesses and innermost feelings of doubt. with each other within and without the circle.
Create a twilight initiation ceremony followed by a ritual meal. Our Initiation Ritual supporting the walk of strength, beauty, transformation, and commitment to Self and the Circle centers the Divine Priestess Presence for each woman.
Weekend 3
Journey into the West
The Emotional Realm, the Maiden and the Element of Water
Our Journey into the West brings forth the watery and powerful realm of emotions. Native Americans believe that the West holds the power of the ThunderBeings, indeed, it is the direction that Power comes from. We access this inner strength through our personal stories. Each woman carries within her the story of her spiritual journey. From the beginning of our lives, circumstances and occurrences create the framework for our own spiritual understanding. These circumstances challenge us to stretch and grow beyond what we thought was possible. Diving deeply into our past, we look at the people, places, and experiences that offer us specific wisdom, creating the medicine that we carry. We listen carefully to the child within (8) DISINHIBITION – Encouraging child-like obedience by orchestrating child-like behaviour and tell her story. We embrace the emotion of being female and bring the power of our pain into healing space. Gather support from your sisters (3) “LOVE BOMBING” – Creating a sense of family through physical touch, thought & feeling sharing and emotional bonding. and know that you will be heard, held, and honored.
Weekend 4
Journey into the North
The Spiritual Realm, the Mother and the Element of Air
The Archetypes and our Sacred Marriage
At the time of Birth, the stars play in the sky in a pattern specific to each individual. This star pattern provides the map of the soul’s life purpose and highest intention. In this weekend, we are introduced to Shamanic Astrology (There is much online about white shamans and how insulting it is to Native American Indians. Interesting documentary can be found here for Part One: and here for Part Two: . There are also many more related videos about this subject on YouTube pages) and the work of Daniel Giamario & Carolyn Brent to connect with our inner feminine and masculine, uncovering the powerful archetype that supports our soul path. What did we come here to do? What tribe do we align with? What is our lineage? We will find support in the archetypes present in the star signs.
We co-create our Sacred Marriage of the inner feminine and masculine, bringing them into balance and harmony. We find that we carry the power of the female and the male within and discover the wholeness that has always been.
What is Shamanic Astrology? If you really want to know, go here:
Weekend 5
Journey into the East
The Mental Realm, the Crone and the Element of Fire
Death and Rebirth is that ever changing process that allows us to continually create ourselves anew in order to expand our Sacred Circle of Self. We must be willing to let the old “self” die (4) REJECTION OF OLD VALUES – Accelerating acceptance of new lifestyle by constantly denouncing former beliefs and values. to allow the birth of the new. We stand at the threshold of Life and Death, consciously choosing to allow that which no longer serves us to die. We enter the Shamanic Death Journey as we Dance into the Fire, releasing old patterns, old belief systems, and old burdens to the power of transformation. Travel between the worlds to say good-by to our old selves and Old Earth. Call forth a vision of the New Priestess and her highest destiny, and co-creatively rebirth in to New Celestial Earth.
We prepare for our Conscious Rebirth, creating powerful ceremony within the circle of women to honor this New Life.
Begin the preparation for Emergence.
Weekend 6
Journey into the Center
The Rainbow Realm, Spirit, Integration and Wholeness
We will create a Rainbow Bridge and integrate our 9 month process. We will spend our time remembering, journaling, sharing, and plan our Emergence Ceremony. We celebrate the true birth of the Priestess within each woman during a public Emergence Ceremony. This ceremony is co-created by the circle and allows an opportunity for our supporters and loved ones to share in this celebration.
- Creating a Rainbow Bridge
- Integration and Remembering
- Emergence Ceremony
The Priestess Process Emergence Ceremony is a necessary part of mind control/brainwashing as it “seals the deal” or closes the subconscious and makes the participant believe they have achieved their goals. Classic “love bombing” technique. (3) “LOVE BOMBING” – Creating a sense of family through physical touch, thought & feeling sharing and emotional bonding. Friends and family are invited…which makes for another opportunity for the facilitator to recruit new customers!
Bottom line is this process, used deftly by the trained and untrained may be a remarkable experience for the lost souls searching for meaning in their life. But, at what cost as there are so many other methods to achieve happiness and improve self worth?
If the implanted words, phrases, thoughts and ideas change normal everyday interpersonal relationships with some…not all…the potential participant needs to be aware they may have to focus their lives around those who have experienced similar workshops or the chaos they were trying to get away from and the self worth they were trying to improve may be akin to waiting for Godot, where Vladimir and Estragon wait endlessly and in vain. (See Samuel Beckett’s work).
Beware! Your subconscious is precious.
On a lighter note, while doing research I found a comedian with an apparent knowledge of and concern about people who facilitate workshops like the Priestess Process.
Please read the following as if you are an announcer doing a commercial:
More and more stupid, directionless people are turning to the nebulous, feel-good teachings of new age “philosophy.” Get in on this multi-billion dollar industry by doing what hundreds of others are doing: Teach a New Age class!
Today there’s a serious shortage of teachers to fill the increasing demand for “knowledge”! And the best part is, absolutely no experience – or knowledge is necessary!
In this intensive one-day workshop, you’ll learn such vague and/or meaningless words and phrases such as “quickening process,” “mind’s eye,” and “guided imagery.”
- Randomly add prefixes (“meta-,” “trans-,” “inter-“) to any number of words to make them sound more meta-impressive.
- Make up your own personalized drivel “trance-channeling,” “aura-synthetization”, “cosmic-dimensional”, “self-harmonization”.
- Use Buddhist, Hindu, Native American, or other exotic sounding words (“Toltec,” Mantra.” “Tantric,” “Mandala”) to add ancient sounding wisdom and legitimacy to whatever you say
You’ll come away with the tools you need to make a fortune in one of today’s hottest industries, simply by further confusing people who are already confused to begin with! And the beauty is, they’ll think they understand every word of what you say!