An IBS elimination diet DOES NOT WORK! It makes sense to many smart people who are paying close attention to their body and their diet…that if they eliminate foods one by one…beginning with those they believe are bothering them, they will ultimately arrive at a place where they are only eating foods that don’t bother them.
It’s much more complex than that and since people have feelings about food, many times they will assign blame to a food that has nothing to do with the problem.
Since I began helping patients in about 1993, I have seen many trying to know their unique elimination diet for IBS who have wrongly blamed a certain food for a symptom they were experiencing. Seen it thousands of times.
Because they have feelings about food…they eat and shortly afterwards experience some discomfort. They think back to the most recent meal and pick the food they believe had the most probability of being the culprit. There goes that food from their diet.
But, they didn’t eat that one food in isolation, they ate it with other foods, so their conclusion may be wrong and they are falsely creating an IBS elimination diet.
They may firmly believe that all the other foods in the above example…they were eating routinely, so it can’t be them. Maybe.
Most people when trying to find an elimination diet for IBS look at symptoms they experience 20 minutes or an hour or two after the meal and think it must be a food in their most recent meal that causes the problem. Maybe.
There are food culprits that cause such an uproar in a person’s gastrointestinal system that when a person eats, they will experience discomfort shortly after a meal and it’s not because of that meal, it’s because of the negative influence of certain foods…previously eaten and eaten regularly…that builds up so that any food will result in the same symptoms.
As an example, more and more people have an undiagnosed fructose intolerance. Not a hereditary fructose intolerance (HFI) which is a condition in which the body lacks a substance called aldolase B needed to process fructose, but just a simple inability to digest the sugar called fructose. They are not born with it, it develops as one ages and the health, balance and efficiency of their gastrointestinal system declines.
If you don’t know you have a problem with fructose and none of your doctors have even mentioned it…and you eat fructose…then you will never blame any fructose containing food, will you? You blame other foods. More inaccurate decisions about an IBS elimination diet.
I can’t count how many times I have heard a patient say, “Doc, I don’t know what to eat. Even water causes me discomfort when I drink it.” Based on the concept of an IBS elimination diet….that would mean a person needs to eliminate water, doesn’t it? Obviously that can’t be done.
It is very difficult to work your way through your diet and make accurate decisions about what foods should be part of an elimination diet for IBS. That’s why a tested plan should be relied upon from a doctor who has used it for decades successfully.
I begin all patients with the elimination of dairy products and a few other pieces of dietary advice. We sit back and see what happens. If symptoms are not alleviated, we have many other steps to take and they are explained in detail in a section of my free IBS report called, “The Step-by-Step Thought Process”.
For a complete all natural treatment plan that includes the thought process section, additional information about how to properly eliminate fructose as well as other diet ideas and lab tests, please fill out the form below to receive a copy of Dr. Dahlman’s free report about IBS utilizing his step-by-step process and an all natural supplement program.
Remember, Dr. Dahlman will personally design the exact diet for you that is necessary to treat this condition. Don’t suffer!*
To find the costs of his program, please click here: “Do It Yourself Program” and solve irritable bowel syndrome on your own or “Phone Consultation Program” to learn about how he can guide you through the step-by-step process to help you conquer this condition.*