Does Stevia Cause Muscle Cramps?
Does stevia cause muscle cramps? For me it did. This is just a personal story about something that happened to me. I discovered a line of soda pop called Zevia. They have many carbonated drinks like ginger ale, root beer, cola, creme soda, black cherry etc. that...
Metagenics UltraGI Replenish
UltraGI Replenish is a new medical food formulated containing human milk oligosaccharides and provides additional specialized macro and micronutrient support for patients with compromised gut function such as leaky gut syndrome, IBS, Crohn’s Disease and all...
Human Milk Oligosaccharides Health Benefits
Human milk oligosaccharides health benefits are support for the lining of the gastrointestinal system, increased beneficial bacteria, especially bifidobacterium and decrease in pathogens in the bowel.

Viberzi is a New Medicine for IBS with Diarrhea
Viberzi is a new medicine for IBS with diarrhea recently approved by the FDA. But, are you willing to risk the side effects and, since it only works is a third or less of people taking, that you will be one of them? Viberzi (Eluxadoline) improves stool consistency and...
Common Heartburn Drugs Linked with Kidney Disease
Heartburn drugs linked with kidney disease according to a new study. But, the study doesn’t establish a direct cause-and-effect relationship between the drugs and chronic kidney disease. Confused? Let’s dig deeper. Prilosec, Nexium and Prevacid are very...
Linzess for Chronic Constipation is Safe or Not?
Linzess for chronic constipation is safe or not depending on what you believe about it’s mechanism of action and that it is not a long term solution. Linzess (linaclotide) is a new medication for constipation predominant IBS (IBS-C) and chronic idiopathic...
Vegetarian Diet Increases Risk of Cancer and Heart Disease
A vegetarian diet increases risk of cancer and heart disease so says a new study from researchers from Cornell University and published in the journal Molecular Biology and Evolution. Could this be possible? Let’s look at their findings and then explain further...
There’s No Stevia in Your Stevia!
There’s no stevia in your stevia, but how could that be? Unless you call 1% stevia in your stevia to be stevia in your stevia! Sorry for that sentence, it just sounds funny and quite true said that way. The public’s awareness of stevia has grown with the...
Reversal of Cognitive Decline from Diet Change and Natural Supplements
Reversal of cognitive decline from diet change and natural supplements has proven to be possible after the results of a small study were published. Natural, holistic thinking triumphs again. More than 5 million people have Alzheimer’s disease in the US and that...