A colon cleanse is suggested by many. The best colon cleansing is actually a bowel movement everyday. Colon cleanse products and colon cleanse reviews are all over the internet, but they may not be a effective as they lead you to believe.

A colon cleanse or colon cleansing seems like a good idea. Who wouldn’t want a clean colon? Colon cleanses, typically found in health food stores, over the internet or through direct mail advertising, uses similar scare tactics as does the colonic community to get people to buy their products based on fear.

The information on the colon cleanser products in a health food store or in ads about these products warn that because of fecal material tightly attached to the inside wall of your intestines and the parasites that live there, the benefits of colon cleansing will be the elimination of those parasites and a clean colon.

These products typically contain combinations of many ingredients such as laxatives (senna, cascara sagrada), fiber (psyllium and others), bentonite (clay), probiotics (acidophilus and Bifidus). Now, there is something to a treatment like this and there is no best colon cleanse product. You will have many bowel movements and feel as if you are cleansing yourself. Unfortunately, lots of bowel movement don’t prove anything. And there’s a downside.

Though these are natural colon cleanse products, many patients report diarrhea because it’s hard to regulate the amount you take to produce comfortable bowel movements. Most people wouldn’t call going from constipation to diarrhea with too many bowel movements each day a benefit. Others report lots of gas and bloating because of the fibers used in the colon cleanse recipes.

And the probiotics used in the products and usually worthless because of many reasons, again primarily being that they are poor quality and don’t remain in the intestines. They will not help re-establish proper levels.

Again, here is a product that doesn’t re-establish proper bacterial levels or rid your gastrointestinal system of unwanted occupants. It also doesn’t restore proper chemistry or alert you to what foods are contributing to the problem. It might at best be a temporary fix, but it isn’t a solution to the typical irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) patient or for someone who thinks it’s just a good idea.

Please fill out the form below to receive a copy of Dr. Dahlman’s free report on how you can conquer IBS with his all natural treatment utilizing his step-by-step process, temporary dietary eliminations and an all natural supplement program.

To find the costs of his program, please click here: “Do It Yourself Program” and solve IBS on your own or “Phone Consultation Program” to learn about how he can guide you through the step-by-step process to help you conquer this condition.

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